Thriving Thru the Shit
Thriving Thru the Shit
Why Do We Accept That Taking On More More More is the Only Way?
In Corporate America it is commonplace to have a do more with less attitude. If layoffs happen, there isn't a reduction in workload or responsibilities for the remaining employees. We all have complained about this at one point or another, but do we really live our lives any differently? When you know a stressful time is coming, do you make changes to get ready for it? Most of us have to honestly answer no. If an unexpected challenge surprises you, do you intentionally shed other responsibilities? Again, this is mostly likely a no for most of us.
This podcast challenges this behavior and gives you examples of how to put actions in place to save you from some of the "crazy" we go through.
Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one.
About this Podcast:
Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with careers to face the challenges thrown at us every day. We all deserve to thrive even thru the hard things versus just trying to survive.
Please follow us on Instagram @thrivingthrutheshit or send Julie an email at
Julie has a consulting and coaching business in addition to her podcast. To learn more about it visit her here.